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Project Reference:


Break the Wall: Bringing non formal sports activities to the Youth Organisations

18 months Erasmus+ Sport: Small Collaborative Partnerships which proposes to overcome the gap between sports activities and youth work



The partnership has developed the idea of this project, based on their previous experience in the youth and sports field and the needs that were expressed from the youngsters they work with, as well as other youth organizations. In particular, these organizations spotted a gap between sports activities and youth work in their local communities, as well as at the national level, an issue that wanted to tackle with the production of informative and easy-to-use guidelines.


-Synergies between European organizations that are active in the field of sports or/and youth;-Exchange of operational information, good practices, practical know-how, and experience on the prevention of social exclusion and marginalization of youngsters with fewer opportunities, through sports activities;-Creation of new tools containing activities and guidelines based on non-formal education and sports;-Promotion of the European Week of Sport and #BeActive movement through local activities.


The activities of the project were based on the development of the organisations within and outside of the partnership, with the exchange of good practices, creation of useful outputs, as well as easy to use by youth and sports organisations, young people, and the general public. The implementation of the activities went smoothly with no delays, despite the situation with COVID. The project got an extension of 3 months in order to implement all the activities and events properly.


- Creation of 2 outputs: “Sports Management Manual for Youth Organisations” and “Toolkit - Activities of Non-Formal Education based on Sports for youngsters and youth workers”, available on the website of the project and partners' website;- Strengthen the combination of youth work and sports activities;- Establish sustainable partnerships, as well as the development of an informal network of youth and sports organisations.


Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners

Flashmob AICS


A flashmob video of the Italian Culture Sport Association (AICS) for the Wall-E project.


Flashmob USB


A flashmob video of USB for the Wall-E project, filmed in the city of Thessaloniki.




The Manual aims to be an introduction to youth workers, staff members of youth organizations, and community leaders and other organizations about the management of sports event and activities at a grassroots level for implementing youth activities. The Manual is around 40 pages, friendly, using a simple approach and easily adaptable in different environments and target groups.

Wall-E _Manual



The Toolkit contains non-formal sports activities which aim in the group building of volunteers, members of youth organizations, as well as other groups of young people – it is an effective and practical approach to the inclusion of sports activities in the everyday youth work. It is designed as such to be used for social inclusion and promoting a healthy lifestyle.


Dissemination material

Project's Facebook Page


We created the Facebook page "Wall-E: Break the wall" in which we kept publishing about the project or other material such as articles concerning sports.



The banner we made for the project to use for the local events of our organization in Thessaloniki.

walle banner



The project poster created by USB for dissemination purposes used in various activities.


Article about the project in Balkan Beats


Our EVS volunteer, Alessandro Pantorno, wrote an article about the Wall-E project in Balkan Beats magazine, which is the bimonthly magazine of the EVS volunteers of USB.

Article about the project in partners websites


An article written by USB for dissemination purposes and published on the website.

The link for the article in English:

The link for the article in Greek:

An article written by Champions Factory for dissemination purposes and published on the website.

Organizational and working documents



The project GANTT, containing the schedule of the project as it was made according to our needs.


Certificates of Attendance // Kick-off Meeting


The certificates of attendance were created by USB for the 1st kick off meeting which took place in Thessaloniki on 2-3/3/2020.

Wall-E Kick off_Certificates

Facebook schedule posts


During the Kick-off meeting, the posts on Facebook page were scheduled by each partner. In particular, tp each partner was assigned a month of being responsible for updating the Facebook page.

Wall-E Facebook schedule_____.xlsx


Minutes / 1st Virtual Meeting


On 24/7/2020, we hosted an online meeting for the partners of the project, to discuss about the project's manual presented to the partners by us.

1st virtual meeting-Wall-E.docx

Agenda / Kick off meeting


This agenda was created by USB for the kick off meeting on 2nd to 3rd of March 2020. The agenda was sent to all partners before the meeting was conducted.

Agenda (1).pdf

Agenda / 2nd TPM


This agenda was created by USB for the second transnational partners meeting held on 20th of November 2020. The agenda was sent to all partners before the meeting was conducted.

Agenda_2nd TPM_Wall-E.pdf

Infopack / Kick-off Meeting


The info pack was created by USB before the kick-off meeting which took place in Thessaloniki. The agenda was sent to all the partners prior to their arrival in Greece.

Wall-E infopack kick-off.pdf

Minutes / Kick-off Meeting


On 2-3/3/2020, we hosted the kick-off meeting for the partners of the Wall-E project in Thessaloniki.

Minutes_kick off meeting --Wall-E.docx



Project Gallery

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