Project Reference:
Life After Sports
“Life after Sports” is a 2 years Sport Collaborative partnership project that aims to develop an innovative program to support dual careers.
“Life after sports” project deploys a multidisciplinary and committed Consortium of 6 partner organizations spanning 6 different European countries. The partnership represents a Network with a long-term perspective whose members will work on the development of a three-stage training programme targeted at 13-18 years old. Research confirmed solid methodology and framework was still needed for schools so that young athletes acquire the knowledge and skills needed for future employability.
To develop an innovative and comprehensive curriculum tailored to the needs of 13-18-year old athletes that will make possible the combination of high-quality training with effective face-to-face education. This age group is exactly at the point in time where it needs to prepare for the eventual transition by building skills and qualifications for their future employment, to develop a network of peers, but to also maintain their professional sport practice.
•Management/2 evaluations/reporting •6-country research on student athletes’ unmet needs & good transition practices;•Creation of 3-Stage Dual Career Program (3-SDCP) based on research; training of 18 Ambassadors of Dual Careers (ADC) and ADCs training athletes at multipliers. 280 more students are trained on 3-SDCP in partner school.•Intellectual Outputs: (see Results)•Create online version of Curriculum guidelines, submitted under IO-3•Four+1 transnational meetings•Final Confere
•Research Report on Student Athletes Needs Assessment (IO-1) delivered and disseminated18 ADCs completed 120 trainings and still training post-project.•Delivered 3-SDCP(IO-2); Delivered Guidebook to 3-SDCP (IO-3); •3-SDCP tested on 120 student athletes. Total of 400 athletes trained; and 3-SDCP adopted into curriculum of 2 educational institutions. •Mid and final evaluations delivered; •Trainings grew the circle of stakeholders aware of need to prepare young athletes for dual care
Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners
“3-Stage Dual Career Program for Young Athletes“ BOOK FORMAT
The “3-Stage Dual Career Program for Young Athletes” is designed to be easily transmitted and thus we used the form of e-book for this programme. Its impact has been substantial on both the sports youth workers who were the subsequent trainers (Ambassadors for Dual Career) for not just the multiplier events, but who now look for opportunities to take this program to more schools post-project. The students themselves found the teachings extremely useful and most of the older athletes stated that they wished they had had exposure to such a programme in their younger days.
“3-Stage Dual Career Program for Young Athletes“ Book.pdf
“3-Stage Dual Career Program for Young Athletes“ PRINT FORMAT
The “3-Stage Dual Career Program for Young Athletes” is designed to be easily transmitted and thus we used the form of e-book for this programme. Its impact has been substantial on both the sports youth workers who were the subsequent trainers (Ambassadors for Dual Career) for not just the multiplier events, but who now look for opportunities to take this program to more schools post-project. The students themselves found the teachings extremely useful and most of the older athletes stated that they wished they had had exposure to such a programme in their younger days.
“3-Stage Dual Career Program for Young Athletes“ Page by Page.pdf
Manual of Guidelines for “3-stage Dual Career Program for Young Athletes” BOOK FORMAT
Guidelines on how to apply the “3-stage Dual Career Program” - that provide sustainability of the project at local, national and international level to be ensured through the Guidelines for future activities promoting dual careers in sport. Guidelines draw on the text of the IO-2 program but enriched by hindsight afforded by the research outcomes. The Guidelines reflect the realities faced by the students but also draw in the surrounding stakeholders (sporting NGOs, who can collaborate with sport clubs, federations and unions ) to deepen their sense of the needs of the emerging young talents but also in order to implement the program on local, national and international level
Manual of Guidelines for “3-stage Dual Career Program for Young Athletes” .pdf
Manual of Guidelines for “3-stage Dual Career Program for Young Athletes” PRINT FORMAT
Guidelines on how to apply the “3-stage Dual Career Program” - that provide sustainability of the project at local, national and international level to be ensured through the Guidelines for future activities promoting dual careers in sport. Guidelines draw on the text of the IO-2 program but enriched by hindsight afforded by the research outcomes. The Guidelines reflect the realities faced by the students but also draw in the surrounding stakeholders (sporting NGOs, who can collaborate with sport clubs, federations and unions ) to deepen their sense of the needs of the emerging young talents but also in order to implement the program on local, national and international level
Manual of Guidelines for “3-stage Dual Career Program for Young Athletes” Page by page.pdf
Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector
Research Report on Student Athletes Needs’ Assessment BOOK FORMAT
The eventual form of the product was an e-book (for easiest transmission) packed with several kinds of information: basics on Dual Careers; Updated legislative framework for young student athletes in six countries; research results on unmet needs of student athletes in six countries; post-research section on challenges and opportunities of the six countries in terms of Dual Career implementation; Stakeholder Opinions and Recommendations; Examples of questionnaire frameworks for individual student athletes and stakeholders, and much more.
Research Report on Student Athletes Needs’ Assessment Book.pdf
Research Report on Student Athletes Needs’ Assessment PRINT FORMAT
The eventual form of the product was an e-book (for easiest transmission) packed with several kinds of information: basics on Dual Careers; Updated legislative framework for young student athletes in six countries; research results on unmet needs of student athletes in six countries; post-research section on challenges and opportunities of the six countries in terms of Dual Career implementation; Stakeholder Opinions and Recommendations; Examples of questionnaire frameworks for individual student athletes and stakeholders, and much more.
Research Report on Student Athletes Needs’ Assessment page by page.pdf