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Project Reference:


Sport for Sustainable Development

Green Sports Games (eye G) is an 18-month Small Collaborative Partnership Sports Project, offers training and a set of a practical “green sports” activities.



Youth workers and youth leaders play an important role in supporting young people and they should, in our eyes, also play a vital role in supporting young people's reflection on their personal development. Creating awareness of skills (both new and old), a (re) gained confidence and inspiration will lead to empowerment of young people, promoting active participation in the society by youth, which will lead to sustainable development of the different social groups and countries in Europe.

The concept of teamwork is extremely important to the success of any team and that is how sport can contribute to the development of skills in young people. The theme of sports will show the participants the importance of teamwork and we believe that sport is the best way to highlight and demonstrate sustainability.

Champions Factory LTD would like to carry out this project, because we believe that sport, as a unique tool, has the potential to provide a sustainable development of the youth and the society in the EU member Countries and neighboring the European Union.

The main idea behind this project is to allow participating organizations and participants understand how they can use sport as a tool for sustainable development, e.g. educational.

Through "Sport for Sustainable Development" youth workers will be involved and empowered to bring out the potential of the youngsters they work with and learn how to use sport and act as multipliers.

"Sport for Sustainable Development" (SSD) AIMS TO:

  • Develop long-term partnership among partner organizations

  • Explore the meaning, relevance and potential of sport as a tool for sustainable development of youth.

  • Explore and compare how NGOs within Europe work/approach/develop soft skills through sport in young people in order to provide the sustainable development of their areas/countries.

  • Develop new Education through Sport tools, to be added to Champions Factory Tools Book

  • Teach the participants how to develop soft skills in youth through sport in order to ensure sustainability of the population.

SSD is a multi activity project, which involves in total 60 youth workers in two interrelated and interconnected mobilities:

ACTIVITY 1 - Seminar, which will be held in Bansko (Bulgaria) in the period 4-8 April 2017. It has the following objectives:

  • To exchange good organizational practices

  • To learn about sport as a tool for sustainable development and recognize its benefits

  • To build new long-term perspective partnerships between the partner organizations

  • Understand the principles of Education For/By/Through Sport on theory and practice

  • Experience Education through Sport(ETS) tools by International Sport and Culture Association

ACTIVITY 2 is a Training Course, which will be held in Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain) in the period 5-9 September 2017. It has the following objective



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