Project Reference:
Work Active with Disabled People
“Work Active with Disabled People” project’s specific planned activities and related expected results in the framework of its European Development Plan
Project Summary
Sports Club Smile is an international non-governmental organisation aiming to bring social change through innovations in education, training, youth, adult and sport, carrying out its customary activities in Bulgaria, with its headquarter in thecapital Sofia.
Sport Club Smile plans to:
Extent its involvement in providing support through sport to an audience of adults disabled (disabled athletes; persons with physical disabilities; persons with intellectual disabilities). The reason is that Sports Club Smile began to operate andto tackle these social issues in its country in 2012 and nowadays one of the main problems in Bulgaria relates to the necessity of higher social protection for disabled people.
Therefore, while sport has value in everyone's life, it is even more important in the life of a person with a disability because:the influence of rehabilitative sport not only can have an impact on the physical body but also on rehabilitating people with a disability into society; sport teaches independence; today, people with a disability participate in high performance as well as in competitive and recreational sport.
Foster its involvement in the European dimension of management and implementation of sport events for a targeted group of adult (disabled athletes; disabled amateurs) as a means to enhance the European dimension, outreach andimpact of its initiatives. Sports Club Smile in local areas and at a wider national level in Bulgaria in accordance with one of the new elements introduced in the Lisbon Treaty that supports specific activities aimed at developing the Europeandimension of sport, by promoting cooperation between entities and NGOs (Sport Development Programme 2020 (hereinafter: the SDP 2020).
Build up cooperation and partnerships with European sport organizations with prior expertise in sport activities for adult disabled. The aim of such collaborations is that of strengthening the internal capacities of the organization through regular exchange of information/best practices and developing joint project proposals in the adult field.
“Work Active with Disabled People” project’s specific planned activities and related expected results in the framework of its European Development Plan are:
Training Course in Dublin (Ireland) August 2020 This mobility activity aims to provide to staff members of the applicant organization with a specific training course to acquire competences on EU policies of Sport as a tool to break down social barriers for disabled in Bulgaria (competences and sport policy knowledge).
Training Course in Greece - November 2020 involving 4 Trainers. This second mobility activity will be based on the value added of sharing knowledge and prior expertise in management of sport activities and events for disabled from the hosting partner
Job Shadowing в Dublin (Ireland) May 2021. The job shadowing activity will involve 4 leading staff members of the applicant organisation in a process of work-based learning, exchange of knowledge and partnership building. In general, “Work Active with Disabled People” will be the thruster of the professional development process of the members staff of Sport Club Smile in the field of Adult education, specifically sport for disabled athletes; disabled amateurs.
In the frame of the its development plan, the impact on the organization is expected as follows:
The extension of its involvement in educational support through sport also to an audience of adults disabled (disabled athletes; persons with physical disabilities; persons with intellectual disabilities).
They will acquire and develop skills that will be used in their daily work after the end of the project, disseminated among other Sport Club Smile staff members.
Increased ability and expertise of the internal staff members in the management and implementation of sport events for a target group of adults, like disabled athletes and disabled amateurs.
The internal dissemination of the contacts and knowledge built by staff members in the context of project Job Shadowing will allow the organization, at the level of its management structure, to promote a more effective international development of Sport Club Smile and the modernization of its educational offer through European networking with other organizations involved in sport, including both the regular exchange of knowledge/good practices and the pursuit of further accomplishments in the Erasmus Plus Adult field through joint project proposals.
Call 2020, Round 1, KA1 - Learning Mobility of IndividualsKA104 - Adult education staff mobilityForm ID:
KA104-CAAEBE0C Deadline (Brussels Time) 2020-02-11 12:00:00ENhoose this theme to customize and add content to this page.