Project Reference:
Youth Entrepreneurship Throw Sport
Champions Factory sports club delivered a training on "Human rights and gender equality through sports".
Champions Factory” developed a project ” Youth entrepreneurship through sport ” with the main objective to develop entrepreneurial and leadership skills through sport.A total of 50 youth workers from 10 countries participated in two structured and interrelated events:
Seminar “Youth entrepreneurship through sport ” – 6-13 April 2015 in Sofia ( Bulgaria ).
Course ” maximum entrepreneur ” – 31 August to 6 September in Istanbul ( Turkey) .
To encourage cooperation between EU and in partnership countries
To build sustainable partnerships between organizations working in the field of youth and sports;
To stimulate the development of entrepreneurial thinking ;
– To explore the meaning, importance, and potential of youth entrepreneurship in/through sport ;
To share best practices for leadership development through sport ;
To take measures for the development of future initiatives and projects
Hungary: “Szabad Ter Egyesulet”
Germany: “Chemnitzer Polizeisportverein e.V.”
Egypt: “G.O.L (Goal Oriented Learners)”
Sweden: “Värmlands Idrottsförbund”
Italy: “ASD L’Orma”
Turkey: “Erbaa Egitim ve Yardimlasma Dernegi”
Portugal: “EPRALIMA Escola Profissional do Alto Lima, C.I.P.R.L.”
Montenegro: “Students Sports Association of Montenegro”
Other information
The project was funded under the ERASMUS + program.