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Project Reference:


Youth Power in Entrepreneurship

"Youth power in Entrepreneurship" (YPE) addresses the identification of existing best practices and the development


"Youth power in Entrepreneurship" (YPE) addresses the identification of existing best practices and the development of support schemes for the extent and develop the competencies of educators and other personnel who support young people on Social Entrepreneurship in partner countries and at the European level. The project will foster the priorities listed through a coherent flow of activities developing across the 18 months of the cooperation and including Transnational Meetings, production of Reports, development and testing of entrepreneurial methodologies in interconnected Blended Mobility of Young people.

The project deploys an approach grounded on Non Formal Education (NFE) and learning tackling the gap in basic and transversal skills at the level of ultimate young targets with a view to providing sensitive categories of the young population with the range of basic abilities for a full integration at the level of society and the labour market. The educational methodology will be Non-Formal Education, complemented by the educational use of Urban Needs’ Analysis, Storytelling, Intercultural Communication and ICT as specific interrelated steps in a self-contained programme of entrepreneurial development.

“Youth power in Entrepreneurship” pursues the following specific objectives:

  • Contrasting young unemployment through developing Social Entrepreneurship potential and related soft/transversal skills in low-skilled or low-qualified young people through Urban Needs’ Analysis, Storytelling, ICT and Intercultural Communication.

  • Researching and comparing existing European good practices of Social Entrepreneurship education of young people through Urban Needs’ Analysis, Storytelling, Marketing and Intercultural Communication.

  • Producing state-of-the-art Reports outlining the existing landscape of European good practices.

  • Elaboration of a set of Toolkits and of a comprehensive Format representing a useful practical reference for NGO and stakeholders' operators and entities interested in fostering entrepreneurial development of young people.

  • Developing a network among organisations experienced in the field of entrepreneurial empowerment of low-skilled and low-qualified young people.

The project will have three Transnational Project Meetings - Kick off Meeting (18-19 March), second Transnational Project Meeting (1-2 May) and Final Evaluation Meeting (7-8 October). Also the project foresees the implementation of Young People Blended Mobility in Bulgaria hosted by the partner Champions Factory.

Participants in project Young People Blended Mobility will be low-skilled and low-qualified young people aged 18 - 30 years old (10 per partner country) The total number of participants will, therefore, be 40.

In M16 and M17 each partner organisation will implement a Dissemination Conference with the involvement of relevant stakeholders in each partner country.

“Youth power in Entrepreneurship” purports itself to achieve this far-reaching outcome by mean of capitalising on the potential of non-formal learning and experiential learning as agents of entrepreneurial education, extracting the added value of existing best practices across countries and sectors with a view to releasing educational. Toolkits to be directly tested with ultimate young people targets in the Blended Mobility of Young People and processed in a comprehensive educational Format. Throughout the educational pattern deployed by the project, young people will be supported indirectly enhancing soft and transversal skills (flexibility, planning, teamwork, selforiented learning, creativity, entrepreneurial mindset and skills, digital skills) as well as be supported in developing their schemes of social entrepreneurship initiatives.



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