Sports and Disability
3IN Heroes of LRSE
3IN - Heroes of LRSE project aims to create a system where people with disabilities can play sport at sports providers coordinated by municipalities under the auspices of the Local Responsible Sports Enterprise initiative, using an innovative online sports booking system.
Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff in adult education
Champions Factory's Erasmus Accredited Mobility Project is a strategic initiative aimed at enhancing educational and professional development through international experiences. Our project involves a range of activities, including group and long-term mobility for adult learners, teaching assignments, specialized courses, and hosting experts. Each activity is designed to foster skill development, cultural exchange, and the sharing of best practices among participants. This project is a key part of our long-term plan to empower learners and staff, enriching their personal and professional growth through global opportunities.
Dual-Track Careers for Para-Athletes
The PARAdig program is a European program implemented by nine organizations based in European Union countries.
OrNat2000 Project aims to promote the social inclusion of disadvantaged people in sports and increase citizens’ awareness of Natura 2000 biodiversity through
Adult Accreditation
Champions Factory plays an active role in building the capacity of consortium member organizations.
Work Active with Disabled People
“Work Active with Disabled People” project’s specific planned activities and related expected results in the framework of its European Development Plan
Empower Disabled Through Sport
Чемпиънс Фактори е международна неправителствена организация, чиято цел е да внесе социална промяна
Social Inclusion of Hearing Impaired Youth through Sport
In our project we had Transnational Meetings, online partner meetings, Orienteering Sporting Event for hearing disabled youth & youth with fewer opportunities
Social Care for Physical Improvement
“Social Care for Physical Improvement” is an 18-months Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Strategic partnership in the field of the youth projects
Social Care for Physical Improvement
The context of the project was a long-term social change achieved through training.
Sports for integration of young people with disabilities
The project aims to increase access to sports and physical activity for young people with disabilities.