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Project Reference:


Athletes Speakers

Helping Athletes to find their voice as they transition from sport to life


“Athletes Speakers” project aims to develop, test and implement an innovative tailor-made education and training programme that empowers elite athlete’s to become active through the improvement of their communication skills. Having good communication skills is key to influence others and create powerful teams, relationships where to joint forces and achieve successful outcomes.

The project main objectives:

  1. To know other communication programmes focused on communication for athletes.

  2. To offer an innovative programme focused on the development of athlete’s communication skills.

  3. To raise awareness and sustainability through the “Athletes Speakers” programme.

This project proposal, with 24 months length, is coordinated by Olympic Committee of North Macedonia, together with the participation of 6 complimentary organisations from Spain, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Bulgaria, and Slovakia. In the scope of the project it will be developed an Education and training programme, alongside with a MOOC, specific tutorials held in a YouTube channel and an Handbook with guidelines for sports organisations about how to implement the programme and increase the voice of athletes. The project will engage 56 active elite athletes, who are in need of support to improve their public image and recognition as role models, which primarily affects their upcoming career transition.



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