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Project Reference:


ExSport Us

"Export Us" involves a committed Consortium of partner organizations in a Strategic Partnership for collecting Non Formal Education and Sport methodologies


"Export Us" involves a committed Consortium of partner organizations in a Strategic Partnership for collecting Non Formal Education and Sport methodologies contrasting the phenomenon of bullying among young people, producing integrated educational formats and methodological resources for operators in the fields of youth and Sport. Target audiences: At the direct level- young people aged 18-25. At the indirect level- NGOs, Sport clubs, educators at the level of secondary school willing to complement the existing educational offer of their institutions with extra-curricular programmes sensitizing young people on the contrast to bullying phenomena. Olweus (1993) defines bullying as an <<intentional and aggressive behaviour occurring repeatedly against a victim where there is a real or perceived power imbalance, and where the victim feels vulnerable and powerless to defend himself or herself. The unwanted behaviour is hurtful: it can be physical, including hitting, kicking and the destruction of property; verbal, such as teasing, insulting and threatening; or relational, through the spreading of rumours and exclusion from a group>>. As highlighted in the UN Secretary General Report "Protecting children from bullying" (2016), all children are at risk of bullying, but those in vulnerable situations, who face stigmatization, discrimination or exclusion, including youngsters with disability, belonging to minorities, or with different sexual orientations are more likely to be bullied both in person and online. Bullying is predominantly reported at school, but it often extends to extrascholastic interactions among young people as well as to the digital arena, wherein most youngsters are increasingly engaged. The phenomenon of bullying has considerable proportions and an increasing impact across Europe, has shown by the NESET Report "How to Prevent and Tackle Bullying and School Violence" (2016). In the case of Italy, a survey among middle and high school students indicated that as many as 27% of students were victims of bullying. For Bulgaria, statistical analysis reported that 25% of students suffered victimization by their peers at least once per wee, with 10% of students reporting to have engaged in bullying. National research in Portugal (Lisbon, as well as northern and southern regions), show 20-25 percent of school children have been bullied, either verbally or physically. New concerns are also brought about by the growing digital dimension of bullying, which, in extraniating bullying phenomena from the physical dimension of Schools and arenas of social interaction, calls for a priority effort to act on the dimension of non formal learning as a means of countering radicalization and promoting inclusive behaviours in all the areas where youngsters are engaged, both as individuals and members of physical/digital communities. The "EU Net Children Go Mobile Report" (2014), found that 12% of the 3500 youngsters surveyed had been victims of cyberbullying. Export Us empowers operators and organizations in the field of youth with effective methods to counteract bullying phenomena through direct education of the ultimate category of youth, by means of: - Mapping and collecting good practices of contrast to bullying by means of Non Formal Education and Sport. Final outcomes will be Good Practice Reports (Respectively on Non Formal Education, Sport and Sport Non Formal Education). - Creation of 2 Format Trainings for operators in the field of youth, tested with Trainers from partner organizations in 2 JSTs on Non Formal Education against bullying (1st JST) on the use of NFE in combination with Sport as an integrated approach for the contrast of bullying. - Development of a Manual for Trainers and Educators outlining a summary of the bullying challenge integrated with methodologies for direct educational intervention on young people through Sport and Non Formal Education.



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