Project Reference:
Fitness for Youth
The "Youth Report" of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the results of the New Eurobarometer on sport and physical activity, showed that EU citizens, including young people, have a deficit in performing sports activities.
The "Youth Report" of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the results of the New Eurobarometer on sport and physical activity, showed that EU citizens, including young people, have a deficit in performing sports activities. The project succeeded in strengthening the opportunities of young people and their own potential for active leisure time through sports fitness activities. Thanks to an fruitful international exchange of best practices and experiences, there have been created opportunities for free online sports education for young people, which can also be used by youth workers. The project integrated the issue of anabolic steroid abuse into its physical and online activities.
The project succeeded in helping young people in areas such as the development of physical activities with an emphasis on fitness, prevention of pathological social phenomena, prevention of anabolic steroid abuse, strengthening critical thinking in connection with fitness lifestyle, prevention of damage to health by incorrect technique of fitness activities, involvement of socially and economically disadvantaged groups of young people to fitness activities, exchange of best practices and experiences in the field of sports activities.
Not eighteen, but twenty LTTA outgoing participants and six outgoing accompanying persons and local participants, as well as 12 outgoing transnational meeting participants and local participants took part in the project. The project also involved a large number of participants in online educational activities and hundreds of participants in full-time educational activities. They were selected among young people according to their interest in sports fitness activities. In the period within five years from the end of the project, further educational activities will take place for min. 300 members of the project target group in all partner countries.
The project had an impact on LTTA participants in the form of new knowledge and skills of participants about motivational incentives to perform sports activities, about motivating their youth peers to perform sports activities, about the dangers of anabolic steroid abuse, integrating disadvantaged youth into fitness activities. injury prevention and healthy sports nutrition. Participants developed the ability to communicate in English, their interpersonal communication, defined themselves against prejudice, racism and xenophobia. LTTA participants received a Youthpass. The project also had an impact on the participants of transnational meetings by developing their IT, professional / scientific, dissemination, organizational skills. The project had an impact on partner organizations. Thanks to the experience gained, they became more involved in other Erasmus+ projects and in international networks of non-profit organizations. Employees / collaborators of the project partners deepened their professional knowledge and skills and developed their skills in the field of project management.
Europe for you, z.s. developed a sustainability plan for key project outputs. At least 5 years after the end of the project, all processed outputs will remain available online free of charge. The project remains a long-term sustainable opening of free online fitness training for European youth, access to fitness training for disadvantaged youth thanks to a published methodological manual in English, quality improvement and youth involvement in sports activities through recommendations for European and Turkish NGOs operating in the field of sports.