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Project Reference:


Education through Sport Network

"Education through Sport Network" was 12-months Small Collaborative Partnership Erasmus+ project, involving 5 organisations form 5 different countries.


"Education through Sport Network" was 12-months Small Collaborative Partnership Erasmus+ project, involving 5 organisations form 5 different countries. The project reinforced an existing Education through Sport Network and developed it into open and transparent transnational community of organisations and experts, who actively are using Education through Sport Methodology (ETS). In order to reach this goal we implemented the following interrelated and interconnected project activities: We started with kick-off meeting, held in London, United Kingdom and hosted by "Champions Factory LTD" on 19-21 February 2019. Fifteen participants were involved in the first meeting, they met and introduced each other, planned and set all the logistics of the project, deadlines for each milestone and all details for upcoming activities.

The project partners assigned specific roles and tasks for each partner together with deadlines and general internal timeline. Champions Factory LTD created a shared Dropbox folder where all the partners had access and were uploading project related financial and travel documents, photos form the project activities, outcomes and results. The second activity of the project was "Education through Sport" Seminar for sharing Education Through Sport good practices. It was held in Sassari, Italy in the period 16 - 19 May 2019 with hosting organization “Mine Vaganti NGO”. Fifteen participants were involved. During the seminar they shared and exchanged good practices using Education through Sport Methodology.

A Professional Characteristics Framework for Education through Sport Ambassador was created during the seminar. The Framework outlined the 5 most important characteristics for ETS Ambassador according to the expertise and experience of the youth workers involved i the seminar. In the end of the seminar the participants planned concrete replications of the shared good practices during the seminar and planned details for the next project activity.

The third activity was a training course for Education Through Sport Ambassadors was held in Varna, Bulgaria in the period 1 - 5 July 2019, hosted by Champions Factory Bulgaria. Thirty participants were involved - 2 trainers and 4 Ambassadors per partner organisation. During the seminar they exchanged and tested Education through Sports Tools and improved their knowledge and skills on the topic. Sustainable contact was established between the organization members of the official network. In the period August – November 2019 – Each partner organization applied in their work 5 Education through Sport tools with the trained ETS Ambassadors which improved the quality of the work in each of the partner organisations and influenced positively in their local communities.

The last project activity was Evaluation meeting with Closing Conference held in Budapest, Hungary with hosting organization “Budapest Association for International Sports” in the period 5- 8 December 2019. Sixteen participants were involved and they delivered a final evaluation summary of the project. They also promoted the project and the outcomes. A specific follow-up of the project was planned with new initiatives with the partners, opportunities beyond the EU Funding frame, etc.The partner consortium implemented follow-up activities both as a already working-together network, and individually on a national level.

The network created through this project continues their mutual work, with a view to expanding the network’s members with organizations and experts active in the field of Education through Sport and willing to cooperate.



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