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Project Reference:


Together to Road Safety

Continuous and growing victims on the road are a real problem, going to be a constant for the following decades due to violent behavior.



Continuous and growing victims on the road are a real problem, going to be a constant for the following decades due to violent behavior, driving under medication and drug usage, and thousands of migrants arriving in EU each year who don’t have enough competence for road traffic.This increased the number of fatalities and injured people in road accidents; increased number of cars, bicycles, electric scooters, skates, etc.; lack of national regulation and competences of participants in the traffic, including youth with disabilities; Insufficient preparation and relevant skills of youth participants in the road traffic. Background of the project is the black statistics in some countries such as Bulgaria and North Macedonia, where number of victims on the road is increasing every year because of lack of experience of young people as drivers, motor-bikers, even pedestrians. BASD initiated this project in cooperation with P2 that has quality experts in the field of mobility and safety transport and invited Ireland for transfer of good practices and production of educative videos (the country also had a worse situation compared to 2018). North Macedonia is providing strong participation of women and their equal role in the road traffic.


It was identified via questionnaires that youth workers need support in their everyday work on that topic. Objectives to be created are training materials, and resources; trained youth workers who use them in an attractive way as games/puzzles; simulation centres for training; Annual events of the Network Together to Road Safety; Awareness raising capmaigns TORS in each country. Participants were 31 youth trainers trained who transfer the obtained competencies in local activities with youth workers after each training. At least 120 people with fewer opportunities and disabilities were involved face to face.


Transnational project meetings:

  • TPM1 Kickoff meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria

  • TPM2 Final evaluation meeting in Dublin, Ireland

Learning, Teaching and Training Activities:

  • C1 in Sofia, Bulgaria

  • C2 in Skopje, North Macedonia

  • C3 in Dublin, Ireland


31 youth workers trained; 3 set of training; study visits of training centres; Network Together to Road Safety; articles in media; project logo; leaflet; Impact envisaged and finally the potential longer-term benefits. Knowledge gained through project was used after the project. We believe that we motivated NGOs, companies, youth/training centres, municipalities and volunteers in these entities that they inspired others to learn more about road safety to arouse wider interest for this issue.


Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners

TORS Presentation

Dissemination material

TORS Poster 1

TORS Poster 2

TORS Poster 3



Project Gallery

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