Sports and Society
The "Goal to Include" project aims to promote education through sport to empower and improve inclusion for young girls and women from marginalized communities. This project seeks to provide a platform and opportunities for young girls and women to develop their physical, mental, and social skills through football while addressing gender disparities and promoting social inclusion.
Building Innovative Light Sport Facilities in institutional care centers (BILSF)
BILSF's primary objective is to promote a physically active lifestyle among socially disadvantaged and institutionalized youngsters.
Women UP
Based on the “AGES Project”,this project is focused on analyzing, coaches and teachers will be the main target of the project.
S4NH - Skills for New Horizons
Skills for New Horizons aims at promoting economic and social development in the field of sports management
Besides the well-known benefits for physical health, sports are also supported as a very beneficial tool.
The project “For me, for All” addresses the topic of participation in physical activity and health according to the EU Guidelines.
GE FORGE Lead the Change, Be the Change
Gender Equality FORCE (GE FORCE) aims to empower the sport organisations to balance the gender in their leadership positions.
My Direction
Mobile phones are reliable devices for communication and entertainment for youth and adults no matter gender or age.
“Nothing Less Than an Athlete” (HEAL)
Small Collaborative Partnership in the field of Sport aimed at empowering women and using sport challenging stereotypes.
reCREATE healthy narratives to tackle fake news
The project "reCREATE healthy narratives to tackle fake news" aims to fight misinformation on migration in Europe by a cross-sectoral cooperation between 7 partner country.
Together to Road Safety
Continuous and growing victims on the road are a real problem, going to be a constant for the following decades due to violent behavior.
The ISports project main objective is to develop a holistic approach for the protection of young athletes from any form of sexual harassment,
Make the active lifestyle great again!
"Make the active lifestyle great again!" was born after the successful implementation of the project "Again together for
An active lifestyle”
SPort Education Against Radicalisation (SPEAR)
SPort Education Against Radicalisation (SPEAR) is a small collaborative partnership in sports.with goal to prevent radicalizing young people in sport.
Break the Wall: Bringing non formal sports activities to the Youth Organisations
18 months Erasmus+ Sport: Small Collaborative Partnerships which proposes to overcome the gap between sports activities and youth work
Professional and Personal Experience through Lifelong Learning and Regular Sport is 30-months Collaborative Partnership Erasmus+ Sport Project.
Stop doping - Swim Fare
Stop Doping – Swim Fair!” is a European-wide strategic partnership project aiming to raise the knowledge and awareness of doping use in the swimming world.
The project's main goal is to prevent and combat bullying, discrimination, and intolerance in team sports.
Sports people Education and Training for Dual Career
"Sport education and training for dual-career” is a 24-month Erasmus+ Collaborative Partnership in the field of Sports projects
Roma Inclusion through Sport in Europe
RISE is an 18-month Small Collaborative Partnership framed under the Erasmus+ Sport priority “encouraging social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport”.
Urban Sport and Culture Volunteers
Urban Sport and Culture Volunteers (USCV) aim to promote voluntary activities at urban sport and culture events.
Together through Games: Traditions for Better Future
Together through Games: Traditions for Better Future ” addresses the topic “Promote European traditional sports and games”.
Reconnecting through outdoor activities
“ReConnecting through outdoor activities” was born after successfully implementing the project “Connecting through outdoor activities.
ExSport Us
"Export Us" involves a committed Consortium of partner organizations in a Strategic Partnership for collecting Non Formal Education and Sport methodologies
Sport,Health, Education for a Long Life
Sport, Health, Education for Long Life (SHELL) is a 24-Months Erasmus+ “Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices” Project.
Let’s Take Sport Out of Youth
“Let’s Take Sports Out of Youth” is an initiative of organizational development to employ the educational potential of Sport
Life After Sports
“Life after Sports” is a 2 years Sport Collaborative partnership project that aims to develop an innovative program to support dual careers.
Move to Improve
In 2019 Champions Factory is official partner in the Erasmus+ Sport Small Collaborative partnership project that will last for 12 months!
Sports4Life: Non-Formal Toolkit for Grassroots
Sports4Life was a 12-month (12+6month extension) project that aimed at training young workers in the field of grassroots sports.
Education through Sport Network
"Education through Sport Network" was 12-months Small Collaborative Partnership Erasmus+ project, involving 5 organisations form 5 different countries.
Again together for active lifestyle
"Again together for active lifestyle" we realised the need of bringing together young people, so they can learn about cultural similarities and differences, active lifestyle and sport
Let's Take Sport Out of Youth
"Let's Take Sport Out of Youth" (lTSOY) was an initiative of organizational development to educate potential of Sport disadvantaged Adult categories
Fitness for Youth
The "Youth Report" of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the results of the New Eurobarometer on sport and physical activity, showed that EU citizens, including young people, have a deficit in performing sports activities.
The Greatest Wealth is Health!
We have always believed young adults has a crucial role in the promotion of health, active lifestyle and physical activity for all.
The Greatest Wealth is Health
Champions Factory International believes that young adults have a crucial role in the promotion of health, active lifestyle and physical activity for all.
Work Plan “A No Hate Speech Frame for Inclusion on New Media”
Work Plan “A No Hate Speech Frame for Inclusion on New Media”
Sport for Social Development
Champions Factory implemented the Seminar “Sport for Social Development” in Bansko, Bulgaria from 27 November to 3 December 2017.
Women Empowerment Through Sport
“Women empowerment through sport” (WETS) is a 24 months Capacity Building in the field of Youth project
for active
The project is an initiative of committed young Europeans to raise awareness on the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle.
Connected Trough Outdoor Activities
Champions Factory IE, coordinated the international Erasmus+ Youth Mobility project – “Let’s Build a Better Future”.
Gather together for better
"Gather together for better" allowed young people with background difficulties to use physical activities for mutual understanding.